Results are in…..

For those of you just joining me, last week I opened up about my husband and I’s journey as we navigated his cancer diagnosis, treatment, and the aftermath.  I noted that Tanner was having his biannual blood work done and was meeting with his oncologist on Thursday (yesterday) to review the results.  I knew his appointment was at 9:30 AM and of course the nerves hit me hard that morning.  10:30 rolled around and I begin to panic because I haven’t heard from him (this happens every time he goes in for this routine exams) so I call.  Tanner always shakes his head because I tend to be a bit impatient in these situations.  He chuckled as he answered the phone.  I am so excited to share with you all that he is still

CANCER FREE! Yeup, cancer free! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They were greatly appreciated!

From here, Tanner will continue going in to have bloodwork drawn to check his tumor markers twice a year.  He will also have body scans done once a year until we hit the five-year mark.  Bloodwork will continue for the rest of his life, which gives me a sense of peace knowing that if it happened to come back we would be able to catch it early.  If I learned anything from this experience, it is look at the positive side of situations and believe that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.  I like to believe that I would still have this positive of a mindset even if things hadn’t worked out the way they did. 

If anybody has questions or is possibly going through something similar, I would love to chat.  Just reach out! That is it for now 😊

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