Here We go!

If you would have asked me a year ago, heck, even six months ago if I would be starting a blog, I probably would have laughed! Writing was never a huge interest of mine and I can’t say that I’m great at it but I do have a huge passion for family, fashion, and fitness! These are a few among the many. My hope is to not only share life and these passions with all of you, but I hope this can be a nonjudgemental place of openness between women, moms, wives, fitness gurus, etc. You will see the good, of course, but also see the struggles I face so those of you who are in the same boat as me know you are not alone!

My high school and middle school. To the left is the elementary school!

I thought it would be fitting for you to get to know a little bit more about where I grew up. For those of you who don’t know me, I grew up on a farm near a small town in Kansas. Now when I say small, I’m talking TINY! We had about 200 people in our town. Our elementary, middle school, and high school were all within the same building, and I went to school with the same ten or so kids from K-12. Just like anywhere, there were perks to this but also some challenges. We were a very tight knit community. If there was ever somebody in need, you could feel the love and support in an instant. This also meant EVERYBODY knew EVERYTHING! There was no hiding anything because sooner or later, the entire town knew. That was one motivating factor for us to behave :). However, that didn’t stop some of us!

Yeup! You have just seen my entire town 🙂

We had a gas station, grocery store, cafe, and a library in our town, but no stop lights! My friends and I would often times go on walks at night and walk right down the middle of main street and not see one car. I have to admit, sometimes I miss that quietness and peacefulness I felt. If we wanted to go to Walmart, that was a good 30 minutes away and good shopping was even further (definitely the most unfortunate part)!

After college, my husband and I got married and move to the Kansas City area. Although it is the farthest thing from where I grew up in terms of lifestyle, I do love it. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have had with my career, within my walk with God, and the new friendships I have formed. AND I can’t say I’m upset to have a Target nearby! Or Starbucks! My coffee addiction may or may not be a problem (as I sit here and drink coffee at 9:45 PM). On a more serious note, my sweet little family has established OUR home here and I love every moment of it.

This is all for tonight! Stay tuned!

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